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My name is Martina. As well as being an artist, I am also a practising Architect. I studied architecture in Rome between 2007 and 2014 and after my degree I moved to the Uk where I continued my architectural studies at the Welsh School of Architecture. Here I gained a Master in Sustainable Building Conservation in 2015 and a Professional Practice Diploma in 2018.


My passion for painting started when I was a child. I`ve tried every painting media from oil to acrylic, however I`ve discovered my passion for watercolour when I join an adult class exploring ink and watercolour media in Cardiff.  

The scene I paint are from photographs of sketches I`ve personally taken, this makes them unique and personal .The main protagonists are the lights and shadows. These two elements take you back to that exact moment and place I was.


Being an architect my favorite subjects are buildings and cities-scape, however, I also love being in nature, going for long walks in the countryside and hiking. The breath-taking scenery of the mountains with rocks scrupled by the strong wing are a form of organic architecture that constantly inspires my art.


Have a look at my fine art print limited editions on my Etsy page and bring into your home authentic views of Italian villages or big city capitals. I am also available for commissions on house portraits, the perfect gift for housewarming parties or just to remind you of your first home.

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